The most intelligent breads of dog

by | Sep 22, 2022

The most intelligent breads of dog

There are dog breeds that have the ability to learn faster: they understand complex signals, words, take care of children, obey orders or even help people with special needs.

1. Border Collie: is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. In fact, some studies consider it to be the most intelligent dog breed (case of the Stanley Coren study). Experiments show that they are capable of distinguishing between more than 200 different orders.

2. Poodle: very intelligent dogs that are very common in competitions. In fact, poodles are some of the most adept dogs when it comes to learning tricks.

3. German Shepherd: is one of the most used dogs for herding, protecting places and animals, or even homes.

4. Golden Retrevier: Without a doubt, the golden retrevier is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. Above all, it stands out because they can take on all kinds of tasks.

5. Doberman Pinscher: in the case of the Doberman, according to Expero Animal, we find that they are the fastest dogs when it comes to automating commands and training in general.

6. Shetland Sheepdog: for a long time the Shetland Sheepdog was used to guide and protect sheep of dwarf breeds, ponies and even chickens. This is because they are very intelligent dogs with a great capacity to learn.

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