What is the best routine for pets?

by | Sep 8, 2022

We all know that dogs are creatures of habit, so it is good to get them used to daily routines that include everything related to them, from walks to games, food and even veterinary visits.

The importance of walks

It’s very important that we create a departure routine, trying to always respect the same schedules. If we get our dog used to going for a walk at 9:00 a.m., or 5:00 p.m., for example, in a few days he will know when it is exactly time to go for a walk. Believe it or not, they are so smart that they know when it’s their turn to relieve themselves.

Socializing is also mandatory

During the walks, in addition to exercising and doing their business, they will be in contact with their environment. Nature, other dogs or animals, other people, etc… Socializing daily is essential for your mental health. It doesn’t matter if your dog is older and has become a bit surly, let him sniff everything at his own pace, play with other dogs, let other people greet him and do what all dogs should do, be dogs.

Mental stimulation

Don’t think that because your dog has grown older it’s no longer necessary to teach him new tricks or stimulate his intelligence with intelligence games for dogs. All dogs, regardless of their age, size or breed, need to be stimulated mentally. In this way they will feel useful and loved, it’s an excellent way to strengthen emotional ties with him and we will also be influencing his health very positively.

Time to play

Games are super positive for them, they entertain and develop their intelligence, they make them feel loved and they also exercise while having a great time. Dedicate at least half an hour a day to play with your dog and you will see how he gets used to always playing at the same time in a very short time.

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Source: https://soyunperro.com/habitos-y-rutinas-para-perros/

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