My Pet Balance’s fresh dog food is the most nourishing and balanced meal of all as it is free of any fillers, preservatives, or additives. Whether your dog has a health concern, has trouble finishing up his/her meal, or something seems odd, fresh food is always a good idea. It helps with picky eaters and dogs that are prone to diabetes, obesity, and dental issues.


The cost of the food varies between dogs based on their caloric needs. Our Beef recipes start at $1.88 per Day, our Chicken recipes start at $1.89 per Day, and our Turkey recipes start at $1.82 per Day.
Start today


You will receive frozen, individual packs that you can store in your freezer. My Pet Balance food can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Your box will include an easy to follow guide regarding storage.

For the Website

About the Food

Choosing the Right Meal

How Much to Buy/Portions

Subscription and One Time Purchase


My Account

Customer Service


Why My Pet Balance?

Even though processed food contains labels, the average consumer is not informed and is misled about product quantities, qualities, and protein requirements. My Pet Balance was created with the passion, intention, and values of treating our pets with proper, fresh nutrition to keep them healthy and happy.

Would my Vet approve of this?

Our recipes are developed by Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionists. We go far and beyond all requirements established by AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control Officials). We have focused on recipe development so that recipes are both nourishing and delicious.

Can I mix my dog’s kibble with Pet Balance meals?

Yes, you absolutely can. My Pet Balance meals are balanced to meet proper nutritional guidelines. With only My Pet Balance meals, your dog is guaranteed to receive the nutritional intake required. With kibble, we cannot guarantee nutritional requirements, yet we have some dog lovers – and dogs – that enjoy a healthy mix of both.

How do I transition from my current food to My Pet Balance Fresh food?

It is important that your dog switches their food gradually from their current food to avoid digestive upset or tummy troubles. You should transition to the new diet (My Pet Balance Recipes) gradually in order to give your dog’s system time to adjust to the change.

Ideally, these transitions should happen over 5-7 days. During this transition, you will gradually incorporate more and more of the My Pet Balance food by mixing it with your dog’s current diet.

  • Day 1-2: 25% Pet Balance Food and 75% old diet.
  • Day 3-4: 50% Pet Balance Food and 50% old diet.
  • Day 5-6: 75% Pet Balance Food and 25% old diet.
  • Day 7: 100% Pet Balance Food.

About the food

What’s in this food?

We offer three different recipes which consist of a beef, chicken, or turkey option. All beef, chicken, and turkey recipes are human grade, which means they are real, natural, FDA approved products. Fruits and vegetables are locally sourced and fresh. Additional vitamins and minerals, along with rice, quinoa, legumes and chia seeds, are non-GMO.

Do I need to cook the food?

It’s as simple as it gets so you don’t have to worry about cooking. Simply open the box, read the instructions, and place the food in your freezer. Transfer a day’s worth of food to your refrigerator and serve once thawed. There is no need to boil, cook, or heat up. You can serve the food at room temperature, cold, or you can sprinkle warm water on top of it.

Do you sell food for puppies and older dogs?

We offer food for each life stage as we understand how important it is to meet the nutritional needs whether it is a puppy or adult dog. Simply specify your dog’s age when filling out the quiz and it will recommend you the appropriate plan based on their age (Growth or Maintenance).

Once I give my dog MY Pet Balance food, do I still need to give him/her vitamins?

While our fresh dog food includes nutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals, we always encourage you to consult with your veterinarian regarding any additional needs that your dog may have.

Do you offer dog treats?

At the moment, we are focused on serving fresh dog food, but stay tuned for our upcoming product launches!

Choosing the Right Meal

How do I know which meal is better for my dog?

We will ask you a set of questions to determine what the nutritional requirements and calories are for your pet. Based on your answers, we will offer you a personalized meal plan. Start plan here.

Can I order multiple recipes or should I stick to just one?

We recommend offering your pet a variety of the three recipes: beef, chicken, or turkey (or you can alternate between two).

How Much to Buy/Portions

How do I know how much to feed?

Our packages are customized and have their own personal measuring scoop on the back. Use these measures to guide you on feeding the right amount of food based on your dog’s needs.

As we customize every meal plan for each pet, make sure to follow the instructions on the package.

How often should I order food?

We offer a subscription service so you don’t have to ever worry about running out of food. Once you place your first order, we take care of the rest. This means that we will calculate your dog’s needs and auto ship it accordingly.

Can I change the shipping address, and/or shipping dates?

Our mission is to keep your pets and their owners happy. In the event you go on vacation, we can adjust your shipping address and subscription times. If you need to pause your subscription, you can change the shipping date. Simply go to My Account and make any necessary changes.

Subscription and One Time Purchase

Do you offer a trial so my dog can try the food?

Yes, all our first orders for subscriptions are 1 or 2 week trials (depending on your dog), so your dogs can transition to our food smoothly and correctly.

What does this subscription service mean?

A subscription service means that your pet will never run out of meals. We offer an introductory discount and the rest of the meals at a set price depending on your pet’s needs.

Do you offer One time Purchases?

Yes. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, we offer one time purchases per box, but they will not auto ship once the food runs out. You will have to either place another one time order or create a subscription.

Since this is a subscription, can I cancel anytime?

Absolutely, our mission is to keep your pets and their owners happy. If you are not happy with our product or service, we will do our very best to address it.

How is my credit card and personal information safely stored?

We value your privacy and make sure all credit card and personal information is stored properly. We will never sell your information to third party vendors.

Can I pause or snooze my subscription?

Certainly, we understand you go on vacation or may simply need a break. You can go to My Account and edit your desired shipping time. We will also send you an email before the order ships out, indicating the final date in which you can make any changes for that order.

What if I want to place an extra order?

For instance, if I go on a trip and want to take the food with me before the subscription will ship?

On the My Account section, you can edit your shipping time 5 days prior to it being shipped.


What do I do once I receive the food?

Simply open the box, read the instructions, and place the food in your freezer. Transfer a day’s worth of food to your refrigerator and serve once thawed. There is no need to boil, cook, or heat up.

How does the food arrive frozen?

Our food is shipped in recyclable boxes with layers of insulation and dry ice. This allows the food to maintain its frozen state until it arrives at your home.

For how long can I have the food stored in my freezer?

Since our food is preservative free, it can be stored in your freezer for up to 4 months and in the fridge for up to 4 days.

How do I know the food arrived safe?

Our boxes are designed for the packages to arrive frozen to your home. If all packs are cold to the touch and one is partially frozen, they will be fine to consume.

In the case that some individual packages arrive unfrozen and not cool to touch, please discard them and contact us at info@mypetbalance.com.


How can I reset my password?

Please click on this link so you can reset your password. We will simply ask you for your email so you can reset it.


How can I contact My Pet Balance?

Our goal is to offer superior customer service and answer any questions you may have. You can email us at info@mypetbalance.com and we will get back to you shortly.


Why My Pet Balance?

Even though processed food contains labels, the average consumer is not informed and is misled about product quantities, qualities, and protein requirements. My Pet Balance was created with the passion, intention, and values of treating our pets with proper, fresh nutrition to keep them healthy and happy.

Why should I make the switch to fresh, dog food?

We have seen everything, from picky eaters to dogs that are prone to diabetes, obesity, and dental issues. We know that fresh food is the most nourishing and balanced meal of all as it is free of any fillers, preservatives, or additives. Whether your dog has a health concern, has trouble finishing up his/her meal, or something just seems odd, fresh food is always a good idea.

Would my Vet approve of this?

Our recipes are developed by Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionists. We go far and beyond all requirements established by AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control Officials). We have focused on planning and recipe development so recipes are nourishing and delicious.

Can I mix my dog’s kibbles with Pet Balance meals?

Yes, you absolutely can. Our My Pet Balance meals are balanced to meet proper nutritional guidelines. With only My Pet Balance meals, your dog is guaranteed to receive the nutritional intake required. With kibbles, we can not guarantee nutritional requirements yet we have some dog lovers- and dogs- that enjoy mixing both.

How do I transition from my current food to Pet Balance Fresh food?

It is important that your dog switch dog food gradually from his current dog food to avoid digestive upset or tummy trouble. You should transition to the new diet (My Pet Balance Recipes) gradually in order to give your dog’s system time to adjust to the change.

Ideally, these transitions should happen over 5-7 days. During this transition, you will gradually incorporate more and more of the My Pet Balance food by mixing it with your dog’s current diet. 

  • Day 1-2: 25% Pet Balance Food and 75% old diet.
  • Day 3-4: 50% Pet Balance Food and 50% old diet.
  • Day 5-6: 75% Pet Balance Food and 25% old diet.
  • Day 7: 100% Pet Balance Food.

About the food

What’s in this food?

We offer three different recipes which consist of a beef, chicken, or turkey option. All beef, chicken, and turkey are human grade, which means they are real, natural, FDA approved products. Fruits and vegetables are locally sourced and fresh. Additional vitamins and minerals, along with rice, quinoa, legumes and chia seeds, are non-GMO.

Do I need to cook the food?

It’s as simple as it gets so you don’t have to cook. Simply open the box, read the instructions, and place the food in your freezer. Transfer a day’s worth of food to your refrigerator and serve once thawed. There is no need to boil, cook, or heat up. You can serve the food at room temperature, cold, or you can sprinkle warm water on top of it.

Do you sell food for puppies and older dogs?

We offer food for each life stage as we understand how important it is to meet the nutritional needs whether it is a puppy, or adult dog. Simply specify your dogs age when filling the quiz and it will recommended you the appropriate plan based on their age (Growth or Maintenance).

Once I give my dog Pet Balance food, do I still need to give him/her vitamins?

While our fresh dog food includes nutrients as well as vitamins and minerals, we always encourage you to consult with your Vet regarding any additional needs your dog may have.

Do you offer dog treats?

At the moment, we are focused on serving fresh dog food but stay tuned for our upcoming product launches.

Choosing the Right Meal

How do I know which meal is better for my dog?

We will ask you a set of questions to determine what the nutritional requirements and calories are for your pet. Based on your answers, we will offer you a personalized meal plan. Start plan here.

Can I order multiple recipes or should I stick to just one?

We recommend offering your pet a variety of the three recipes: beef, chicken, or turkey (or you can alternate between two).

How Much to Buy/Portions

How do I know how much to feed?

Our packages are customized and have their own personal measuring scoop on the back. Use these measures to guide you on feeding the right amount of food based on your dog’s needs.

As we customize every meal plan for each pet, make sure to follow the instructions on the package.

How often should I order food?

We offer a subscription service so you don’t have to ever worry about running out of food. Once you place your first order, we take care of the rest. This means that we will calculate your dog’s needs and auto ship it accordingly.

Can I change the shipping address, and/or shipping dates?

Our mission is to keep your pets and their owners happy. In the event you go on vacation, we can adjust your shipping address and subscription times. If you need to pause your subscription, you can change the shipping date. Simply go to My Account and make any necessary changes.

What’s the cost?

The cost of the food varies between dogs based on their caloric needs. Our Beef recipes start at $1.88 per Day, our Chicken recipes start at $1.89 per Day and our Turkey recipes start at $1.82 per Day. Start Today.

Subscription and One Time Purchase

Do you offer a trial so my dog can try the food?

Yes, all our first orders for subscriptions are 1 or 2 week trials (depending on your dog) so your dogs can transition to our food smoothly and correctly.

What does this subscription service mean?

A subscription service means that your pet will never run out of meals. We offer an introductory discount and the rest of the meals at a set price depending on your pet’s needs.

Do you offer One time Purchases?

Yes. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, we offer one time purchases per box, but they will not auto ship once the food runs out. You will have to either place another one time order or create a subscription.

Since this is a subscription, can I cancel anytime?

Absolutely, our mission is to keep your pets and their owners happy. If you are not happy with our product or service, we will do our very best to address it.

How is my credit card and personal information safely stored?

We value your privacy and make sure all credit card and personal information is stored properly. We will never sell your information to third party vendors.

Can I pause or snooze my subscription?

Certainly, we understand you go on vacation or may simply need a break. You can go to My Account and edit your desired shipping time. We will also send you an email before the order ships out, indicating the final date in which you can make any changes for that order.

What if I want to place an extra order?

For instance, if I go on a trip and want to take the food with me before the subscription will ship?

On the My Account section, you can edit your shipping time 5 days prior to it being shipped.


What do I do once I receive the food?

Simply open the box, read the instructions, and place the food in your freezer. Transfer a day’s worth of food to your refrigerator and serve once thawed. There is no need to boil, cook, or heat up.

How do I store the food?

Your box will include an easy to follow guide regarding storage. You will receive frozen, individual packs that you can store in your freezer. Food can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

How does the food arrive frozen?

Our food is shipped in recyclable boxes with layers of insulation and dry ice. This allows the food to maintain its frozen state until it arrives at your home.

For how long can I have the food stored in my freezer?

Since our food is preservative free, it can be stored in your freezer for up to 4 months and in the fridge for up to 4 days.

How do I know the food arrived safe?

Our boxes are designed for the packages to arrive frozen to your home. If all packs are cold to the touch and one is partially frozen, they will be fine to consume.

In the case that some individual packages arrive unfrozen and not cool to touch, please discard them and contact us at info@mypetbalance.com.


How can I reset my password?

Please click on this link so you can reset your password. We will simply ask you for your email so you can reset it.


How can I contact My Pet Balance?

Our goal is to offer superior customer service and answer any questions you may have. You can email us at info@mypetbalance.com and we will get back to you shortly.