10 foods your dog should NOT eat

by | Oct 20, 2022

Many of the owners like to share food with their dogs, but there are serious consequences that this act of good faith may cause. So here is a list to help you NOT make that mistake with your furry one:

1. Avocado: It contains a substance called ‘persin’ that has an insecticidal and antifungal effect that, in pets, can cause diarrhea, vomiting, pulmonary edema and heart damage. This substance is harmful to many pets.

2. Onion: It is dangerous for pets since it can destroy the animal’s red blood cells and cause anemia. It can also cause respiratory problems and tachycardia.

3. Alcohol: If alcohol in itself is already harmful to humans, it is much more so for dogs. It can cause death by ethyl coma.

4. Coffee: Given its high caffeine content, it can present symptoms such as tachycardia, nervousness or hyperactivity in the animal.

5. Chocolate: It contains a substance called theobromine, which varies depending on the cocoa content. The lethal dose varies in terms of the proportion of the dog’s weight and the proportion of cocoa. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

6. Raw eggs: They can cause salmonellosis, something very dangerous for them.

7. Milk: It is usually fed to animals from very young. However, most dogs are lactose intolerant and milk can cause stomach pain, diarrhea or vomiting.

8. Walnuts: These nuts are a toxic food for pets due to their high phosphorus content. They can cause bladder stones in addition to other symptoms: pain and swelling of muscles and joints, general weakness, ataxia, tremor, vomiting and fever.

9. Grapes: They are another toxic food for dogs. These fruits can cause dogs to vomit and have diarrhea that can be aggravated by other symptoms such as lack of appetite, dehydration, oliguria and kidney failure.

10. Potatoes: Raw potatoes contain solain, a substance that can cause anything from gastroenteritis to acute kidney failure in dogs.So do not take any risks, choose Pet Balance today! Freshly made with real ingredients in personalized portions delivered straight to your door: https://mypetbalance.com/

Source: htps://www.elcorreo.com/sociedad


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