Dog Nutriction Facts

by | Oct 27, 2022

As with products for human consumption, food for pets must also have information not only about the ingredients of the product but also about its nutritional value.

So here is a short guide to understand the nutritional table and know which dog food to choose:

It is one of the most important factors when choosing food for your furry friend. Puppies and young dogs need much more protein since their metabolism is faster than that of an adult, and they need much more energy and muscle mass. Adult dogs, on the other hand, have already reached their normal size, however, proteins are not only necessary for proper growth, they are important components of the immune system, so the concentrate must contain an adequate proportion to protect your pet from bacteria or viruses.

From it the essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy skin and hair are obtained; In addition, they are a source of energy and interfere with the transport of fat-soluble vitamins. Puppies and small breeds require more fat than adults, geriatric or overweight. Today, it is easy to find “specialized products” (low-calorie or light) for overweight animals on the market, which contain 6% fat (or less), while for normal dogs, the percentage of fat is 11% usually.

The fiber present in concentrated foods helps to digest food better, in addition to helping in the evacuation of feces, avoiding constipation or diarrhea. It also plays an important role in weight control in pets and reduces the occurrence of colon cancer. However, an excess of fiber can prevent other nutrients from being absorbed correctly and can cause flatulence problems.

In general, concentrated food is an unperfect food replacement. Even though they’re practical, the benefits of REAL food are impossible to mimic. So, give your best friend a longer and happier life. Choose Pet Balance today! Freshly made with real ingredients in personalized portions delivered straight to your door:


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