Boost your dogs health

by | Sep 1, 2022

They say that the dog is man’s best friend, they provide us with company, affection, loyalty and are part of our family. To help you maintain that, here are five tips to keep in mind so that your pets grow up healthy, strong and, above all, happy. Take note!

1. Create a schedule for its needs

Establish a regular feeding routine so that they manage to relieve themselves more or less at the same time. In the case of having a dog, try to have a set time to go outside.

2. Take care of hygiene and health care

Depending on the dog you have, you should find out if you have to brush it and how often, as well as how often you have to bathe it. In addition, proper health care is basic for the animal to be safe. When adopting a pet, you must have a control of the visits to the veterinarian, as well as the pertinent vaccinations. Likewise, if you notice any strange behavior such as loss of appetite, refusal of water, excessive weight variation or slowness when playing, go directly to a specialist to have it examined.

3. Diet and exercise

Good nutrition and adequate exercise is vital for the well-being of animals. Each pet has its own type of food that varies with age and weight. If you have any doubts about his diet, go to the vet so that he can tell you the specific foods that you should give him. As for the exercise, it will also have to be adapted to the type of animal. Small dogs, for example, tend to be more energetic than large ones, so they will need more time to play.

4. Monitor their teething and chewing

The type of food your pet eats is just as important as if she does it correctly. In the case of puppies, for example, it is essential that they have a ‘biter’, such as a rubber bone, so that all their teeth come out. Likewise, the animal’s tartar and dental plaque should be checked frequently so that it can eat food correctly.

5. Train it

The best way to keep your pet away from possible danger is to train him correctly. The first step is to recognize your name. To get it faster, you can pronounce it every time you congratulate him and feed him. On the other hand, you should also get used to small changes little by little. For example, if you plan to take a long car trip, make a few short trips with your pet beforehand so that he feels more comfortable.

And also, don’t forget the food, choose Pet Balance today! Freshly made with real ingredients in personalized portions delivered straight to your door:


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