Can dogs eat fruit?

by | Sep 15, 2022

Can dogs eat fruit?

The friendship that dogs and people have had over thousands of years has reinforced the bond that unites them to a point where they have adapted to live with us at a genetic level, since they have certain digestive capacities that allow them to take advantage of nutrients from carbohydrates, making them omnivores, unlike their entirely carnivorous ancestors: wolves; Thanks to this, they can enjoy a richer and more varied diet.

However, no matter how close they are, they cannot enjoy all the natural delicacies like us, because some fruits are toxic to your best friend’s body and it will be very important that you avoid them in their diet to prevent health complications.

We share with you those fruits that put your pet’s health at risk: grapes, raisins, cherries, seeds, avocado and citrus fruits.

The problem with fruits such as lemon, orange or grapefruit, among others, is the large amount of sugars they contain, which can lead to obesity and diabetes problems; In addition to this, it could cause vomiting and stomach upset.

Fruits that dogs can eat

Unlike the previous ones, some other fruits can provide your dog with its nutrients without any problem, so you just have to take into account that it is not recommended that they eat large amounts of fruits due to the amount of sugar they contain. Very importantly, you must remove the seeds from any fruit you offer him.

We share with you those fruits that your dog can eat: apple, peach, pear, watermelon and melon.

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